Sunday, July 5, 2009


Hello blog world. It sure has been a while. About a month with very limited internet use, for various reasons, has been great! Facebook isnt terribly fantastic once you get off of it for a while. Its a great place to keep in touch with friends, of course, but its nice to sometimes take a step back and take a deep breath. Ive had plenty of time to keep up with people in person rather than digitaly. Ive reconnected with a few people i hadnt talked to in years. It makes me feel great! For some strange reason, i actually WANT to keep up with old friends now. ;-) Anyhow, perhaps ill start blogging again, maybe not. I know that right now, i am. Right now i feel like typing words into this blog.

I recently read a couple books. The first was Sinner written by some lady i dont know the name of. I let my friend borrow it. I liked it a lot until the end... Terrible ending. What editor let this ending go through... I dont know but they were crazy. I also finished Saint by ted dekker. I absolutely loved it. Im now want to be a hardcore ted dekker fan. Through that book i learned about the circle trilogy. Black, White, and Red. I bought them all. Im almost half way through the first book, Black. I LOVE it times infiniti plus 1. Stinking good writer. I cant wait to read the other ones.

I reconnected with a couple of old girlfriends that i really burned back in high school. Said my sorrys, genuine sorrys of course, and was delighted, and surprised, that they actually wanted to talk to me again. Talk about make me feel so much better. I think im pretty much done sending out my apoligies to people ive really wronged since i started high school. Ive been working hard on it. I know its something that needs to happen for my life to continue more stress free. Ill never know when ill have to see those people again. Better to make sure im on good terms with them!

Other than keeping in touch with old friends, ive been working a lot. (and getting a nice tan doing it) Work is great and fun. I really like what im doing. Im really learning a lot from Johnny about life and how to do a lot of maintenence junk.

Anyways, thats all for now! More later.