Sunday, March 15, 2009

Coffee Beanery Thoughts

What does hope mean to someone who has none? 
What is needed for a truly happy life?

So we're sitting in Coffee Beanery and we haven't gotten anything done in the three hours we've been here. Listening to good music and enjoying good coffee, we have come to the point of realization that we probably need to get something done. Between facebook and DNOW lessons, what homework can we get done? I'm searching for thoughts to put in this less than fabulous blog, but I can't seem to think of anything decent at the moment. Isn't that how life is sometimes though? Sometimes there's not radical sparking of interest what-so-ever. Not to be confused with stagnation, the uninspired moments of life are sometimes needed. Sometimes we must simply exist in order to understand that we are small and finite beings, capable of nothing without the Savior and Creator. 

I wonder what a life would be without God. I think the biggest brain teaser, other than there not being ANYTHING, would be the crazy concept of there being no hope. What would a world without hope be like? I'm glad I will never know personally, but if I think about it, there are parts of the world that literally have no hope. China, India, Pakistan, these countries literally have no hope. What a horrible place to live and exist. Hinduism, Confucianism, and Jainism have shaped the political and social aspects of the Eastern world to a point where individuals are not individuals. The people have no concept of personal rights or privileges. Along with Islam, these religions teach that one must simply exist and play their role in the world. When your turn on earth is over, either you reincarnate into something better or worse, or you cease to exist only through the memories of your decedents. 

When we leave this world, the record of our lives may be written about for future generations to learn about, but no one will care about random Joe Blow 50 years after he dies. Regular people are never remembered. Like Alexander the Great, sometimes the only ones that will be remembered are the ones that slaughter millions of Jews, or the ones that change the world like Pope John Paul.

We are only here on this planet for a very small time. What are we going to do with it? Will we give hope to the hopeless or go through the motions. 

What will define our lives? Scripture says that all parts of our lives are to give glory and honor to I AM. Do we really live that everyday? The answer, sadly, is no.

Giving hope to the hopeless through love, and being an encouraging voice to someone is essential to a happy life. Not stuff that you can't take with you when you leave Earth.

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